Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ryan "The Tank" Runolfson

Well, yesterday I took Ryan to the dr. for a weight check.
I just had to know how big is is now.
You will not believe it!
He weighed 16 lbs 4 ozs, almost double his birth weight at two months old!
His weight is not the 90th or 95th it is off the charts!
This is the good part, his cousin Aiden (who is almost exactly 7 mos older) weighs
17 lbs 8 ozs, only 1 lb 45 ozs more than my not so little baby!
I measured him at 25 1/2 inches, which for your info, is also off the charts for a 2 month old.
I guess he preparing for his future as a linebacker!


Beth said...

That is great! Jakey is only at the 6th and 2nd percentiles for height and weight, respectively, and he's not quite 18 lbs. either! Funny that they are the same size and 10 months apart! :-) Glad to see all is well w/you guys. Take care!

Unknown said...

Fatty, Fatty, boombalatty!