Monday, November 3, 2008

Out of Control October!

We had a fun filled October.
Here are some highlights, not even in order because I can't be bothered with that.
We went to the Cornbelly's corn maze for Ashley's bday party.
Ellie had a blast! It is so much fun,and we have tons of photos.
In an effort not to bore you, I only posted a few.

In the big rocking chair!

This is Ryan at the ward Trunk or Treat.
He almost didn't fit in the bear outfit.
I had him weighed on Friday (Halloween) and he was 20 lbs 12 ozs.

A trip to Gardener Village with Aiden, Brandon, Kenna, and Jake.

Ellie and brother and witch!

Ellie started school, and being the great mother I am, here are the photos...a month later.
She goes to Silverpups preschool at Riverton high.
She loves it!

First day, just playin' PlayDough!

Ellie and Kenna at the Trunk-or-Treat!
You'll notice that Ellie could never decide what to be for Halloween.
She wore 5 different costumes for different events.
The upside...they were all ones she already had!

Ellie and Rylee!

Another trip to Gardener Village.
This time with Kenna, McKayla, Jake and Jaden!

Ellie and Rylee in their preschool Halloween parade.
The were adorable! I will post a video!

Ryan & Aiden were twinners.
Just by chance actually, but they look way cute!
Can you tell that Ryan outweighs his 11 month old cousin?

Trick-or-treating at COmpHealth.
Amy & Lisa's work.

Halloween night at Parkinson's house.
Ellie, McKayla, Jaden, & Rylee.

Our group photo.
Jud and I tried to dress up, but we weren't very successful.
The costumes are actually the ones I made for the Sound of Music sing-a-long we went to.
You know, when they make clothes out of the curtains.
There are 4 more outfits that my sisters and their dates wore.
We tried to turn them into Hansel and Gretel.
Nichole called us TweedleDee and TweedleDum.
Guess who she thought was "DUM"?

Anyway, we had a great October. I will try to be better at posting, but you know me!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

How fun that you guys dressed up! I'm a party pooper every year and never do b/c I never seemed to get's all I can do to get the kids costumes and them ready.