Friday, August 8, 2008

A busy month...

We had a busy, but GREAT July!
Having a new baby at home is so great, but challenging.
Ryan is growing up so fast, and Ellie seems so much older now that we have a baby in the house.
Our little family feels more like a family with 4!
Ryan has been a good baby except for about the last week when we found out that he is allergic to my milk.
No worries, you know me and my alternative medicine.
We took him in for accupuncture and ZD treated him.
He should be better by 7pm tonight!
I can't breaks my heart to see him fussy!
Getting up at night is hard, but worth it!
Here are some photos of Ryan in this last month.
He is already getting cheeks!

Ellie really has been a lifesaver for me this month.
She is almost always willing to run and grab a diaper or burp cloth for me.
We have not had too many issues with her being jealous.
Just a few times she wants me to take care of her FIRST!
She has had a ton of fun this month.
A couple of trips to Shady, a few nights at Grandma & Papa's house (when Jud went to scout camp), a baseball game, a new brother to play with and love, and lots more fun!
Here is the proof!

One more funny thing that I finally got on video.
Kind of hard to hear, but very worth it!


Kym said...

So glad you updated! Ryan is adorable & getting so big. I can't believe its been a month. I guess when you're not the one getting up at night you don't notice the time! :) You look great by the way & I love the new layout with the new family pic!!

Nanon said...

You have a beautiful family! I am so happy for you!