Friday, August 29, 2008

Report on August

We did a lot of fun things in August even though it takes us a
long time to get going and get out the door.
I am not used to this 2 kid thing!
We are lucky to have the three of us ready by noon! Sad, huh?

We did venture out to Thanksgiving Point with some friends.
The kids had a great time petting the animals, riding the wagon, and
playing in the water by Noah's Ark.

Ellie, Ashley, McKayla, Jaden, & Rylee

I also wanted to show you just how fast my baby is growing.
At church he is bigger than the three month old babies, and he is only 7 wks.
Here is a nice shot of his back fat.

Here is Ryan with his Uncle Ryan.
Can you read the shirt?
It says "If you think I'm cute, you should see my uncle!"

Our ward hosted a Daddy-Daughter Date.
Ellie was so excited to get dressed up for the 70's theme and go...
but not as excited as Jud was, obviously.

Some of the other fathers kept their kids away from Jud!

Here is Ryan trying out some of the dress ups too!

We took a fun trip to the park with Lisa, Michelle, and Aiden.
Here are the kids swinging.

Ryan had his first swing on a big swing with sissy's help!
Aiden is a big boy now and can swing himself.

Here is an adorable shot of my boy.
Is he the cutest or what?

1 comment:

Jeff , Susan, Faith, and Molly said...

Jen congrats on baby Ryan he is soooo cute hope all is well!